Young Guns in France

Young Guns in France

The bottom turn
The bottom turn
Vidéo de surf
Publiée le le 28 octobre 2016

They came for the waves. They stayed for the pastries. They, meaning the Quiksilver Young Guns. A whole crew of them descended upon France from places near and far — but mostly far. We’re talking New Zealand, Mexico, America, Indonesia, Australia, Mars, etc. All here, in France, raiding the banks and bakeries with the type of excitement and enthusiasm that only youth knows. They had the best trip of their lives. We have the edit to prove it. Hit play and run rampant in France.


Kael Walsh - @kaelwalsh
Kehu Butler - @kehu_b
Lennox Chell - @lennochell
Rio Waida - @riowaida_
Kade Matson - @kadematson
Taj Lindblad - @tajlindblad
Jackson Butler - @_jacksonbutler
Marco Mignot - @marco_mignot

Motion -
Vincent Kardasik - @lkrtel
Jimmy Graham - @jimmy__graham
Wade Carroll - @wadeecarroll

Photograhy -
Peter Boskovich - @boskophoto
Ryan Heywood - @ryanheywood
Chad Wells - @cidoubleyou

Music -
OMN - Programmed to Rock

Presented by:
Quiksilver - @quiksilver

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