Vidéos associées
par The bottom turn
le 29 juillet 2012
Clay- "Brah! So many guys staring at me, I'm over it."
Crowds of friends are one thing but crowds of fans and surf enthusiasts striking up conversations is another. It's funny to watch from a nobody filmer perspective. They begin by staring and waiting for eye contact which most likely wont happen. They wait patiently most times until Clay paddles or walks away and it's too late. It must be hard to be sensitive to staring but be someone at the same time who is intriguing or even interesti...
Clay Marzo - Crowds
1 008 Vues |
par The bottom turn
le 21 janvier 2013
Comme toute le reste du monde du surf, le californien Dane Reynolds a été passé le début de l'hiver au chaud, à Hawaii
Dane Reynolds à Hawaii
4 222 Vues |
par The bottom turn
le 8 juillet 2012
"Brah,Gino's Pizza, its gotta be good it's the same name as my dad". - Clay
Clay went to NY to compete in the Quikie Pro trials . Clay isn't that fond of big city's, and avoided driving into the city to be filmed walking around little Italy like the unnamed corporate guy was trying to force him to do. The food and waves in Long Beach were all Clay needed to feel right at home. The water was even trunkable, well for Clay at least due as Aspergers gives him a larger tolerance to pain and ext...