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Volcom Stone's Wild In The Park - European Finals 2013 - Copenhagen
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Volcom Stone's Wild In The Park - European Finals 2013 - Copenhagen

Volcom Stone's Wild In The Park - European Finals 2013 - Copenhagen

Vidéo de skate
Publiée le 16/10/2013 - 20:39

1 241 vues

A wolfpack of a hundred hungry European skateboarders shredded Copenhagen skatepark into pieces last Saturday, for the Volcom Wild In The Parks Euro Championships 2013.

As usual this gathering of some of the best up-and-coming skateboarders delivered tons of action and didn't disappoint; you could witness it on site or by watching the live webcast comfortably at home or from everywhere else on your smartphone.
Here are some of the highlights of the day(s), there certainly is different ones for everyone's judgments but you can make your own opinion from watching the recap video, the photos and replay entirely the webcast (

Instead of commentating solely the top 5 or top 10 skaters tricks that you can see in the video, it's good to mention some of the side stories:
-The 14&Under kids were impressing every spectator and the seasoned judges too; Tiago Lopez from Portugal skates really good and is now the new champion in the 14&Under division, he's been also spotted cleaning the skatepark during the contest to help the staff! Respect. He walked away with top honors, some prize money and more stuff than he could carry.

-The 15&Over division is always a hit too with lots of local heroes showcasing their sometimes eclectic bag of tricks. Local Mikkel Haugegaard qualified through a month long video contest and got crowned 15&over Champion in Copenhagen, walking away with a zillion prizes from Volcom, Electric, Xsories and Street Machine but also a Custom denim jacket trophy and 500€

-The MC was Ben Powell from Sidewalk magazine, he is probably one of the only one who can get everyone stop skating and clear the course that fast before starting the heats…with his 'colorful' commentary.

-19 Countries were represented and it's refreshing to see some new scenes coming up such as the Swiss crew! Some made the trip all the way from Greece or drove from such remote locations as the south west of France and the northern part of Norway… Kamil Rozwadowski qualified in Poland, he drove his car from there, skated good every day and slept at the skatepark! Some other new Wild In The Parks territories were also at the Championships such as some Slovenians shredder who also made the trip.

-The live format made the sessions intense, moving from one area to another but as everyone knows that skateboarders are fit as hell and they all managed the long heats as champions. The whole contest had more punch than a charging rhino on steroids!

-450 Tee shirts, 250 hats and tons of other goodies were given away all afternoon!

-The Open division level was off the hook with everyone flying higher, faster…uber-techgnar! Both Hermann "Herminator" Stene from Norway and Chris Oliver from UK are flying on Wednesday to California to attend the USA WITP Championships at the Volcom skate facility in Costa Mesa! Don't miss the live webcast on Saturday October 19 on
-Volcom team riders Axel Cruysberghs, Eniz Fazliov, Harry Lintel and Vincent Coupeau were spotted getting tech on the course as well as judging the heats together with legend Rune Glifberg.
The band Tombstoned ( closed the event, they are buddies of Eniz and they played their good loud rock&roll at the end of the prize giving, making noise for a good session in the bowl at the same time! Follow them this week through Europe during their Road Tested tour in the skateparks.
Thank you to all the skateboarders and their families that came enjoy the day with us, to all the staff that made this event possible, to our sponsors Electric, Xsories and Street Machine and to our media partners Hellaclips (, Dammn (, Kingpin (, Sidewalk ( and Dogway (

1 Tiago Lopes (Portugal) 500€
2 Julius Schmock Rohrberg (Sweden) 250€
3 Alexander Elfving (Denmark) 150€
4 Vile Rockang (Sweden) 100€
5 Robin Bolian (France) 100€
1 Mikkel Haugegaard (Denmark) 500€
2 Oyvind Svensen (Norway) 250€
3 Tobias Bisse (Denmark) 150€
4 Eric Hedberg ( Sweden) 100€
5 Vijami Koskipaa (Finland) 100€
1 Hermann Stene (Norway) 1000€ + Trip to California
2 Chris Oliver (UK) 600€ + Trip to California
3 Billy Hoogendijk (Netherlands) 500€
4 Gard Hvaara (Norway) 300€
5 Andreas Lausten (Denmark) 200€
Alexander Risvad (Denmark) 200€
360 flip nosebluntslide down the rail
Full results, report, pictures and video:

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