Urban Freeride Lives in Vienna - Fabio Wibmer

Urban Freeride Lives in Vienna - Fabio Wibmer

31 juil. 17
Vidéo de vtt
Publiée le 31/07/2017 - 09:50

77 874 221 vues

Join me on wild run through Austria's capital Vienna!
Riding and jumping my way to the FIVB Beach Volleyball World Championships Vienna 2017 presented by A1 was so much fun and I'm lucky that I got there just in time for the first match :P
From July 28 to August 6, 2017, Vienna will become the world’s capital of beach volleyball. For 10 days, the best teams will play for the title of world champions at the idyllic Danube Island. Get all infos about the #WorldChampsVienna here: https://www.beachvienna.com/
Goosebumps don’t lie – See you @ the Island!

Geht mit mir auf einen wilden Ritt durch die österreichische Hauptstadt, Wien! Ziemlich krasser Ride zu den FIVB Beach Volleyball Weltmeisterschaften Wien 2017 presented by A1 und zum Glück hab ich's noch rechtzeitig zum ersten Match geschafft :P
Von 28. Juli bis 6. August, 2017, wird Wien zur Welthauptstadt des Beach Volleyballs auf der Donauinsel.
Alle Infos zu den #WorldChampsVienna findet Ihr auf: https://www.beachvienna.com/
Goosebumps don’t lie – See you @ the Island!

Produced and edited by Fabio Wibmer
Production manager: Elias Schwärzler
Filmed by Manuel Nguyen
Assistent and Photography: Alexander Mandl

1st song: Take the World (Let's Go) - The Phantoms
Check it out on Spotify: open.spotify.com
2nd song: Can't get enough - The Phantoms
Check it out on Spotify: open.spotify.com

Thanks to FIVB Beach Volleyball Weltmeisterschaften Wien 2017 presented by A1for making it happen!


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