Stage d'entrainement snowkite avec Alex RObin et KiteLégende- KiTe UNiT Lautaret 2013
Since 2010 KiTe UNiT & Alex RObin organise snowkite camps for young riders. You have less than 18 years old, you kite on water, or land, or snow and want to improve yourself and ride with other young riders like you !! this camp is for you !!!
Last year Didier Botta became french champion ( and this year Marion looks to be the Young women French championship... Thibault is becoming an student instructor and start to be a real good snowkiter for a "ile de ré rider" ;)
The coach is becoming one of the first professionnal Kitesurf coach in France and use all technics he developped with swimmers, ice hockey players and skiers. He tries to learn lots of things out of ride, like cooking for many peaople, running every mornings, live in small area and always respect others on spot and on life.
"Kite for All and everywhere" , for beginners like high level riders ;)
8 places for next year camp (during the second week of Christmas holidays) and possibility to do the SNOWKITEMASTER 2014 at the end of the camp !!!