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Sosh - Until Tomorrow Teaser
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Sosh - Until Tomorrow Teaser

Sosh - Until Tomorrow Teaser

Vidéo de bmx
Publiée le 28/05/2014 - 23:34

1 987 vues

5 riders pros, 3 disciplines : bmx, skate et snowboard, 1 destination mythique : La Californie, 1 nouveau concept : le Couchriding.
Du 10 mars au 4 avril, Matthias Dandois (BMX), Maxime Charveron (BMX), Sam Partaix (Skate), Anne-Flore Marxer (Snowboard) et Rémy Taveira (Skate) ont sillonné la Côte Ouest des Etats-Unis au gré des bons plans et des défis postés sur Internet par leur communauté de fans.
Pour embarquer dans le trip, une condition : être connecté !

5 pro riders, 3 disciplines : bmx, skateboarding and snowboarding, 1 dream destination : California, 1 new concept : Couchriding.
From March 10th to April 4th, Matthias Dandois (BMX), Maxime Charveron (BMX), Sam Partaix (Skateboard), Anne-Flore Marxer (Snowboard) and Rémy Taveira (Skateboard) will cut a swath through the West Coast of the US following hot tips and challenges posted on the Internet by their community of fans.
To join the trip, there is only one condition: Stay connected !

Retrouvez toutes les infos sur :

Written and Directed by
Thibaut Grevet & Thibault Dumoulin.

Music :
"Lost It To Trying" Written by Ryan Lott - Performed by Son Lux - Courtesy of Joyful Noise Recordings - By arrangement with Ghost Town, Inc.
Crédit Domino ‘Lost It to Trying’ written by Ryan Lott licensed courtesy of Domino Records, (SACEM)

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