Réal. : Wareck ARNAUD & Johann CIVEL
Prod. : AS RideUP
Nous avons découvert une nouvelle façon d’atteindre les sommets, le snowkite. Même s’il est parfois imprévisible, capricieux et impressionnant, le vent est devenu notre ami pour de grandioses balades en montagne.
Riders/ Camera : Johann Civel & Wareck Arnaud
Guest : Hugues Beaume
Here is the second episode of Ticket to ride.
It's all about riding the mountains with or without a kite.
It's taking place in the South French Alps in the beginning of May. It's my home spot call Cervieres, and it's my favorite spot ...
At this time of the year , the cold and North windy days, allow you to ride all day long and reach summits over 3000...