KALOEA Surfer Girls - Destination Mentawai WavePark (4K - Drone)

KALOEA Surfer Girls - Destination Mentawai WavePark (4K - Drone)

Vidéo de surf
Publiée le 08/05/2017 - 13:13

3 516 030 vues

Follow the KALOEA Girls on their surfing adventure to WavePark Mentawai Islands, Indonesia where they lived by the motto EAT, SURF, SLEEP, REPEAT.... literally ;)
Bikinis available at http://www.kaloea.com/shop

Location: Wave Park Resort - http://www.wavepark.com

KALOEA Girls: Lucy Littlechild & Eve Riviere
Film : David O'Connor
Drone : Echa Poetra -
Edit: Eve Riviere

Special thanks to our partners :
Wave Park Resort - https://www.wavepark.com
DHD Surfboards - http://www.dhdsurf.com
Surfection Mosman - http://www.surfectionmosman.com
My Go Mouth Mount - http://www.mygomount.com

BIG WILD - "When I Get There"

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