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Freeride World Tour : Le système de jugement
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Freeride World Tour : Le système de jugement

Freeride World Tour : Le système de jugement

Vidéo de ski
Publiée le 05/01/2009 - 02:39

390 vues

Only one unique score, the overall impression, will determine the riders final score. To evaluate the run, the judges will use a point system of a hundred increments from 1.0 to 10.0. Among other aspects, the choice of the line, the fluidity of the run and the level of control while riding the face will be key criteria judges will take into consideration to decide the final overall score. The riders are judged by a panel of 6 judges (3 ski and 3 snowboard), which are trained and certified by the Pro Freeriders Board (PFB) and led by Jon Orarback (Head Judge - Ski), Jean-Yves Michellod (Head Judge - Ski) and Berti Denervaud (Head Judge - Snowboard). Working in very close cooperation, the PFB and the head judges have created a judging method with which potential judges could be trained, evaluated and then certified.
The goal of this new rider approved system is to have a unified judging system for all FWT and FWQ events and to allow every style of riding the possibility to win.