EWS AInsa 2018 - Training Day 1

EWS AInsa 2018 - Training Day 1

The Vertical Wanderer
The Vertical Wanderer
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Publiée le 21/09/2018 - 00:01

639 vues

Today was the start of the Spanish round of the EWS !

Dust, sun, shuttles and pain, it's all coming down in the Spanish pyrenees!

More to come over the next few days!




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▬▬ ABOUT ▬▬

Hi there! I am Charlie Coquillard, French adventurer that has had the chance to travel the world for the last 5 years and that is far from ready to stop!

I have mostly travelled to satisfy my need for adrenaline and new experiences, mountain biking, skiing and surfing are the things that gets me out of bed in the morning.

Welcome to my adrenaline filled travel blog! Here you can find reviews on all the trips I have done over the world, tips on how to travel with your sport equipements, and all the crazy stuffs that have happened to me over the years!

I want to inspire ou to do the same, get out of your routine, start moving forward and do what you love, forget what you know as “normal” and come exploring with me!

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