Vidéos associées
par aurelienroutens
le 5 mars 2015
CARPE DIEM est de retour !!
Pour ce quatrième épisode Aurelien ROUTENS nous emmène au CHILI !!
Depuis les glaciers proches de Santiago ou les sommets volcaniques du Sud, c'est tout le Chili que nous allons traverser, une vraie découverte !!
Des premières descentes, des indiens Mapuche, un Serge Vitelli , c'est à la rencontre de tout un peuple que nous allons à travers la Cordillère des Andes.
1 290 Vues |
par Fluofun
le 25 novembre 2016
► Available on Red Bull TV NOV 21:
It's safe to say that when you're pushing what's possible on a snowboard, you're going to take a few slams. Check the riders of Method Movie laying it all out in an attempt to lay it down.
Co-produced by Red Bull Media House, Method Mag's inaugural feature film pairs the finest qualities of snowboarding's gritty beginnings with our favorite talents of today. The result is a good-timing flick, free of unnecessary frills.
With bran...
Street Snowboarding Slam Reel | Method Movie
73 194 Vues
23 déc.
par Fluofun
le 19 décembre 2016
This film shows the journey of six friends who traveled along the coast of south east Alaska.
The six friends dreamt of this adventure ever since they were kids.
Although there are uncountable places for snowboarding, the famous snowboard productions always end up in Alaska. It seemed to be the place on earth.
This is why it was clear; that they had to go there, at least once in a lifetime.
In 2016 they gathered enough money to realize this trip.
During five weeks they'd been making i...