Approaching Ski Couloirs by E-Bike - Sk'e-Bike - Complete Film

Approaching Ski Couloirs by E-Bike - Sk'e-Bike - Complete Film

Vidéo de ski
Publiée le 21/04/2020 - 12:43

Spring is the best time of the year for skiing couloirs. However, many lifts are closed and the lack of snow means hours of hiking with 15kg backpacks to carry. The solution: E-Bikes!
Timy Théaux, Flo Arthus, Jérémy Prévost, Kevin Guri, Arthur Bertrand, the Bon Appétit crew have selected five fabled couloirs from the Tarentaise Valley in the French Alps and have linked them with the best single track on offer. Thanks to their SCOTT Spark eRIDE they can combine their 2 favorite passions: skiing and biking.


Comment se déplacer en e-bike pour skier des couloirs peu accessibles et ainsi associer ses 2 passions en une seule descent ? Timy Théaux, Flo Arthus, Jérémy Prévost, Kevin Guri, Arthur Bertrand, accompagnés du duo de Bon Appétit, sont partis sur leur Scott e-Bike pour atteindre leur but ultime : 5 couloirs mythiques reliant les plus grandes stations de Tarentaises.

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