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Andri Ragettli - 13 ans - 2012 season edit
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Andri Ragettli - 13 ans - 2012 season edit

Andri Ragettli - 13 ans - 2012 season edit

28 juin 12
Lukas Lukin Mikula
Lukas Lukin Mikula
Vidéo de ski
Publiée le 26/06/2012 - 10:57

14 554 vues

Vous vous souvenez d'Andri Ragettli ? Ce jeune prodige Suisse Allemand venant de Laax / Flims?

Il a maintenant 13 ans, tourne dans les deux sens et pose des doubles. Belle progression !

I hope you will enjoy his season edit no matter if you are a freeskier or not simply because this kid ROCKS!!!
I have been filming / coaching / traveling with Andri all 2012 winter and this is what we prepared for your enjoyment.
Play in HD and LOUD - our water ramp playgroung
Big Boi - Shutterbug
Shot with
camera: Sony NEX-5, Panasonic HMC40
lens: Carl Zeiss Biogon 24/2.8, Sonnar 90/2.8 and Jenna 135/3.5
Voigtlander Heliar 12/5.6, homemade fisheye for HMC40
Edited in: FCP X
Color corrections: Magic Bullet looks, FCP X

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