whatwewantfilms : 12 vidéos
7 nov.
par WhatWeWantFilms
le 6 novembre 2013
Incoming c'est le second film de WhatWeWantFilms.
Featuring: Tyler Chorlton, Gérome Mathieu, Ville Uotila, Valérian Ducourtil, Kareem El Rafie, Féfé Pellacani, Tobi Strauss, Ben Thomas Javid, Martin Gallant, Johann Baisamy, Julien Emch, Anto Brotto and more.
It's been mainly shot in the backcountry and the streets of Switzerland and Canada but also in Austria, Sweden, Japan and France.
Supported by: Apo, Vans, Burn, Nike, Dye, K2, Head and Imperium
Media partners: Method, Onboard and Fluo...
WhatWeWantFilms - Incoming
5 591 Vues |
4 sept.
par WhatWeWantFilms
le 2 septembre 2013
Incoming est le deuxième film de WhatWeWantFilms.
Avec Tyler Chorlton, Gérome Mathieu, Ville Uotila, Valérian Ducourtil, Kareem El Rafie, Féfé Pellacani, Tobi Strauss, Ben Thomas Javid, Martin Gallant, Johann Baisamy, Julien Emch, Anto Brotto et quelques guest.
Le film contient essentiellement du backcountry et du street, filmé principalement en Suisse et au Canada mais aussi en Autriche, Suède, Japon et France.
Supporté par Apo, Vans, Burn, Nike, Dye, K2, Head et Imperium.
Partenaires mé...
Incoming Teaser
4 440 Vues |
par WhatWeWantFilms
le 18 mars 2013
We've been pretty lucky to have a lot of powder in the alps between January and February as you will see in this 2nd episode of podcast for this season. Most of it has been shot in Champéry-Les Crosets in Switzerland where we have been shooting a lot for our next movie as the terrain is sick there.
This episode features Gérome Mathieu, Valérian Ducourtil, Tyler Chorlton, Féfé Pellacani and Ville Uotila.
Music: Gin Gillette - Train To Satanville