26 juil.
par StRaNGeBeautifulLIFE
le 19 juillet 2011
StRaNGe Beautiful LIFE episode 1 - Take me to the sun
2 927 Vues |
10 août
par StRaNGeBeautifulLIFE
le 6 août 2011
StRaNGe Beautiful LIFE episode 2-The land of the rubber tracksuit
3 374 Vues |
par StRaNGeBeautifulLIFE
le 6 septembre 2011
StRaNGe Beautiful LIFE - Episode 3: Summer lovin
3 846 Vues |
18 nov.
par The bottom turn
le 17 novembre 2011
I've been travelling around this globe we call home for the best part of my life now, spending summers in Europe and winters where ever the waves have led me. I have had the opportunity to immerse myself in different cultures and ways of life all around the world.
Thats the beautiful thing about travel it opens your eyes to the possibilities and teaches you things about the simplest necessities of life, when you leave the confides and sanctuary of home your perception of things shifts you...
StRaNGe Beautiful LIFE - Episode 4: Je m'appelle ALAN
4 892 Vues |
par The bottom turn
le 20 mars 2012
Injury's suck theres no way of glossing over it making it sound better than it is, but you try to, you kid yourself you even start to believe it ''oh its ok it wont take too long'' you tell yourself over and over again. You start to fill your days with other stuff and you get on with it. But when your constantly striving for some kind of optimum wave riding experience to put a grin on your dial and it controls your every thought day in day out and then WHAM its gone, injury's really do suck....
StRaNGe Beautiful LIFE - Episode 5: Mad dogs and Englishmen
341 Vues