Red Bull Romaniacs 2023 - Highlights - Day 1+2

Red Bull Romaniacs 2023 - Highlights - Day 1+2

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Publiée le 28/07/2023 - 16:09

11 vues

After the extreme conditions on Wednesday, the drivers found good weather and dry tracks at the start of the second off-road day on Thursday. The difficult conditions on the previous day had sometimes spread the times far apart, so many had to close the gap.

The German Manuel Lettenbichler had gained enough of a lead that he was out in the front alone for the majority of the day. Trystan Hart (CAN) battled hard to gain ground on him until he had a navigational error and lost valuable time before the Service Point. Billy Bolt (UK) and Teodor Kabakchiev (BUL) were hot on each other's heels after the Service Point playing tag, neither willing to miss a beat so that the other could break away. As soon as Kabakchiev succeeded in passing Bolt he gave it his all, attacking the technical sections one after the other, chasing after Manuel Lettenbichler as hard as he could.
Teodor Kabakchiev's efforts were rewarded by producing the fastest time over the 92 km of tracks on Day 2, followed by Mauel Lettenbichler and Billy Bolt in third. Overall Manuel Lettenbichler is leading, Trystan Kabakchiev holds onto second and Billy Bolt is in third.

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