Vidéos associées
10 juil.
le 10 juillet 2018
La célèbre boite de production MSP présente le trailer de son prochain film, All In, au casting paritaire : « Ce n'est pas un film classique type "oui les femmes aussi peuvent charger" non, c'est juste un film qui déchire et il se trouve qu'il y a autant de filles que de mecs dedans. »
Locations : British Columbia, Alaska, Utah, Washington, Japan and South America.
Starring : Angel Collinson, Michelle Parker, Tatum Monod, Elyse Saugstad, Mark Abma, Wiley Miller, Johnny Collinson, and...
Matchstick Productions : ALL IN - Official Trailer
63 322 Vues
par zapiks
le 26 janvier 2017
►Watch the full film here now:
From hot-dogging and ski ballet to today’s slopestyle and urban tricks: with a lot of esprit and attention to detail, the 30-minute documentary “Generations of Freeskiing” revives the most iconic moments of freeskiing history. Skiers such as Jon Olsson, Henrik Windstedt, Nick Goepper, Jesper Tjäder, Bene Mayr, Lisa Zimmermann and Viktoria Rebensburg pay homage to the greatest eras of freeskiing, appreciating yesterday’s her...
30 Years of Style | Generations of Freeskiing
437 242 Vues
le 30 novembre 2016
“This season was different than any other I’ve experienced so far. It started out in November in the hospital battling a severe infection for 3 months, but thankfully ended up being one of the most enjoyable seasons of my entire life. Not knowing if I was going to be able to ski at all, I made a full recovery, was able to travel the world, compete, and shoot as much as possible.” -TYW
Vital Films presents Torin Yater-Wallace 2015-16 edit.
Additional Footage : Corey Stanton (Chile & Swe...