FBWL episode 2 - 'Merica - Part 1

FBWL episode 2 - 'Merica - Part 1

9 mai
Vidéo de vtt
Publiée le le 07 mai 2014

10 246 vues

Second MountainBiking Episode with Antoine Bizet.

The video series following Antoine Bizet had a stop in the US!
Follow a professional mountain bike rider in his everyday life.
This episode of Season 2 will bring you straight to Utah for a dirt session and some runs on the Red Bull Rampage site.
Then Antoine went to Aptos to find legendary dirt jumps.
Stay updated for the next episode, Antoine will be riding in Woodward and in Utah again!

Directed : Antoine Bizet & Jules Langeard
Film: Jules Langeard & Kent Johnson - NorcalProduction
Edit: Jules Langeard
Red Bull Rampage footage made available courtesy of Red Bull Media House North America inc.
Big Hitters - Andrew Britton, David Goldsmith & Mikey Rowe
Lost Desire - Ariel Rechtshaid, Josh Kessler, Justin Raisen & Marc Ferrari
Electro Score - David Travis Edwards
Release Yourself - Adam Salkeld & Neil Pollard
Binary Breaths - David Travis Edwards

Thank you for the permission:
Give It Up - Cee-Roo
Instagram: instagram.com/frombizetwithlove
Facebook: facebook.com/antoinebizetfanpage
Jules Langeard: juleslangeard.fr

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