SCOTT STEVENS (season edit) 2017 HODGEpodge
Merci à tout ceux qui m'ont envoyé les shots. Un grand merci à Basti de Pirates Productions, hdj, jesse burtner, justin meyer, grenier for helping with titles, roger cameron, dave doman, dr b, hupp, skylar, jon ray, mike mo, colson, granger, roberge, fenton, beef, fenelon, ahrtikari, tijl, naomi, stark, bode, chip, rossner, garrett read, marcus, mark dangler, ashley for the sequence, krush, loon project, troll project, facemark ben, tyler orton, vintage sponsor, pika, sexton, brad, blue, cook, george, johan, martino, dan and frank, mom and dad, steph, videograss, think thank, preston, deadl...